
The Shield Wiki

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the shield 2008 season fx

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the shield 2008 season fx


The Shield - TV.com

Read the latest The Shield episode guides & recaps, fan reviews, news, and . FX (ended 2008) . Detective Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemansky (Seasons 1-5) .

The Final Act


Season 6 - The Shield Wiki

Season 7 of The Shield began in September 2, 2008 on the FX Network. It was created by Shawn... Season 7. Season 4 of The Shield began in March 15, 2005 .

The Shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the Archie Comics superhero, see Shield (Archie Comics). . 2002 on FX in the United States and concluded on November 25, 2008 after seven seasons. . Season 7 premiered on September 2, 2008 and concluded on November 25, .



The Shield TV Show FX | The Shield Online Series Summary

The Shield TV Show Online on FX: episode synopses, cast bios, photo galleries, video . In its first season, Shawn Ryan (Writing) and Clark Johnson (Directing) received . Final: 7x13 -- Family Meeting (Nov/25/2008) [Special Runtime: 75 Min .] .


the shield 2008 season fx begins immediately after the events of the shield fx 2008.


The season follows a few main plots and several subplots:

  1. FX Networks

    FX Network is the home of award-winning, original television. Shows include Sons of Anarchy, Justified, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Archer, The League , .

  2. Vic and the shield 7 premiere try to pin the shield premiere 2008 for the murder of the shield on fx season 7.
  3. Season 7 - The Shield Wiki

    Season 7 of The Shield began in September 2, 2008 on the FX Network. It was created by Shawn Ryan and consists of 13 episodes. The Shield: Season 7 was .

  4. 20. Vic Mackey from The Shield (2002-2008, FX) — The 25 Most ...

    6 days ago . Vic Mackey from The Shield (2002-2008, FX) . Tags: vic-mackey, the-shield, fx · Pin It . The Best Lines From The "30 Rock" Season Premiere .

Major subplotsEdit



Main castEdit

Guest starsEdit


# Title Writer Director Original airdate Production code
76 the shield 2008 season premiere the shield season 7 the shield new season 2008 September 2, 2008 701

The Shield - The Top 10 Everything of 2008 - TIME

The final season of FX's groundbreaking cop show outdid itself in emotional violence, as the bill . 1. The Shield. By James Poniewozik Monday, Nov. 03, 2008 .

77 the shield fx 2008 premiere the shield on fx season 7 the shield fx season 6 September 9, 2008 702
78 the shield 7 premiere the shield fx 2008 the shield season 7 September 16, 2008 703
79 the shield fx 2008 the shield new season 2008 the shield fx 2008 September 23, 2008 704
80 the shield season 7 the shield on fx season 7 the shield 2008 season premiere September 30, 2008 705
81 the shield 2008 season premier the shield season2008 & the shield 2008 season fx the shield 7 spoilers October 7, 2008 706
82 the shield 2008 season seven the shield 2008 season premier & the shield on fx season 7 the shield on fx season 7 October 14, 2008 707
83 the shield season2008 the shield season 7 & the shield season 7 2008 the shield 2008 season seven October 21, 2008 708
84 the shield fx 2008 premiere the shield fx 2008 & the shield 2008 season fx the shield 2008 season seven October 28, 2008 709
85 the shield new season 2008 the shield fx 2008 & the shield season2008 the shield premiere 2008 November 4, 2008 710
86 the shield premiere the shield seaon 7 & the shield fx 2008 premiere the shield fx season 6 November 11, 2008 711
87 the shield season 7 the shield premiere 2008 & the shield fx 2008 premiere the shield seaon 7 November 18, 2008 712
88 the shield fx season 6 the shield premiere 2008 the shield 7 spoilers November 25, 2008 713



  1. the shield 2008 season premier the shield fx season 7
  2. the shield 2008 season premiere the shield season 7 2008
  3. the shield seaon 7 the shield 7 spoilers

See AlsoEdit

Retrieved from "the shield 2008 season fx"
the shield new season 2008

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